

Effects on JTEKT Group regarding the Earthquake of the Pacific Coast of Tohoku

The earthquake of the Pacific Coast of Tohoku, which struck Northeastern Japan on March 11th, has caused the enormous damage on lives and around areas. JTEKT group extend our sincere sympathies to all of the suffering people and the relatives.
Followings are the information regarding the effects on JTEKT Group of the earthquake.

(as of March 14, 2011)

- JTEKT and its Group companies’ employees are confirmed its safety.

- JTEKT and its Group companies are now confirming the status of its employees’ families who have been affected by the disaster.

- No damage to buildings and facilities has been confirmed, and JTEKT and its Group are working its production properly.

- We will examine and decide our supply of products to suffering areas concerning the situation of our customers and the shortage of lifeline accordingly.

  • We extend our gratitude to all of you who have sent us kind and deep concern.

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