- When was the company established?
Koyo Seiko was established in 1921 and incorporated in 1935.
Toyoda Koki was established and incorporated in 1941.
JTEKT was formed on January 1, 2006, by a merger of these two companies.
- When was the company first traded over the counter?
- In May 1949 on the Tokyo, Nagoya Stock Exchanges.
- How can I obtain the latest financial data about the JTEKT?
- Our latest financial reports are available in the Investor Relations section of our web site.
- Our fiscal year ends on March 31 each calendar year. Our regular general stockholders meeting is held in June each year.
- What is your securities identification code?
- 6473
- Who performs your shareholder register management?
- Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd.
- Who should I contact to find out more about owning stock?
・When it has an account in a securities firm etc.
A your securities firm etc.
・When it has not an account in a securities firm etc.
Stock Transfer Agency Business Planning Department
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd.
2-8-4, Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 168-0063
- What conditions must be met to have voting rights at the general stockholders meeting?
- Any investor whose name has been placed in the shareholder registry by March 31 has the right to vote at the next general stockholders meeting.
- What conditions must be met to receive dividends?
- he eligibility cut-off date for payment of year-end dividends is March 31. Any investor whose name has been placed in the shareholder register (Including shareholders or beneficial shareholders) or is a registered stock pledgee is eligible to receive payment of year-end dividends. For midterm dividends, as determined by the Board of Directors, any investor whose name has been placed in the shareholder register (including shareholders or beneficial shareholders) or is a registered stock pledgee by September 30 is eligible to receive payment of midterm dividends.
- What is the eligibility cut off date for payment of dividends?
- March 31 for year-end dividends, and September 30 for midterm dividends.
- Are there any special benefit plans for shareholders?
- No, there are not.
- What is the minimum number of shares available for purchase?
- Shares must be purchased in lots of 100. (This was changed from 1,000 to 100 on January 1, 2006.)