Company guide

Message from the President

Kazuhiro Sato President

JTEKT Group has approximately 150 subsidiaries and 50,000 employees in about 30 countries and regions. JTEKT Group manufactures and sells power steering which has the largest share of the global market, other automotive parts, Bearings, and machine tools with presenting "JTEKT BASIC PRINCIPLE".

Another asset of JTEKT Group is "Human Resources." By respecting our employees' passion (enthusiasm) "For Customers, For Society" and their KAIZEN mind which pursuits "Something Better", we will increase the number of employees who think and act on their own to make continuous KAIZEN.

In today's society where technology is evolving at an accelerated rate and people's lifestyles are constantly changing, the diversity of products, technologies, customers, suppliers, etc. possessed by each of our businesses and group companies is a strength and an asset not found in other companies. By combining these seeds of JTEKT Group, we will fulfill our corporate responsibility as a public institution of society by delivering unique and revolutionary products that our customers have never experienced before at a "good quality, affordable price" and achieving "Tree-Ring Management" that means gradual and steady growth.

I would like to express deepest gratitude to all of you for past support to our Group. And I humbly request that you will continue to provide us with your encouragement and guidance.

Yoshihito Kondo President sign