What are counterfeit products?
Among the counterfeit products circulating in the market, you find that there are very well-made, high-quality copies which are difficult to easily distinguish from authentic goods.
However, no matter how well the manufacturer duplicates the product, the integrity of the product will not be guaranteed and might cause consumers an unexpectedly serious accident while driving.
We recommend that customers only buy products from the JTEKT Group companies or their authorized distributors network to protect the safety of customers and their own profits.
We highly recommend consumers to actively use the WBA Bearing Authenticator app for an assessment of the authenticity of our products when you have doubts.
Introduction of counterfeit product cases
While the bearing business brand has changed from Koyo to JTEKT, at the moment, most counterfeit products are Koyo brand products. We monitor counterfeit products, both old and new brand, worldwide.
Information on counterfeit products of JTEKT products
Information on counterfeit products of JTEKT products
exercise of our rights
JTEKT has adopted a zero-tolerance policy toward dealers who handle counterfeit products. When we find counterfeit products being sold at a dealership, we take decisive action such as seizing the products and raiding the dealership's premises.
Effective April 1, 2022, all brands of our merchandized products were unified under the JTEKT name.
JTEKT retains the trademark rights to the Koyo brand.
JTEKT continues to actively monitor any counterfeit products of JTEKT and Koyo branded products to uphold the prestige image and quality of our brand.
JTEKT Group's integrated anti-counterfeiting activities
JTEKT has established a work group task force to combat counterfeiting activities. JTEKT Intellectual Property Department takes the initiative in implementing countermeasures in cooperation and collaboration with each local subsidiary, enabling us to empower more efficient and effective protection against counterfeit products in each region.
Introduction of front-line containment measures (Customs response)
JTEKT has been promoting customs registration for front-line containment measures.
Certified importers list in customs registered countries and applicable countries
Introduction of market investigation - raids - exercise of rights - Awareness campaigns
Introduction of external organization activities
JTEKT is taking decisive actions against counterfeit products in order to protect customers and achieve social responsibility.
JTEKT continues to create the awareness for the risks exposure to counterfeits and develop new anti-counterfeiting activities and in all countries around the world.
JTEKT is also a member of the following external organizations, and has been taking anti-counterfeiting measures in cooperation with other companies.
authenticity check
Among the counterfeit products circulating in the market, there are very well-made, high-quality copies which are difficult to distinguish from authentic goods.
However, no matter how well the manufacturer duplicates the product, the integrity of the product will not be guaranteed and can result in a serious accident or death.
We highly recommended consumers to actively use of the WBA Bearing Authenticator app and hologram to assessment the authenticity of our products when you have doubts.
Authenticity assessment support
JTEKT and World Bearing Association (WBA) jointly developed a multi brand manufacturer authentication system app, the WBA Bearing Authenticator.
JTEKT has also introduced hologram security seal on the individual packaging for aftermarket.
Contact us
If you want to report suspous counterfeit products to someone, please contact us through the WBA Bearing Authenticator, JTEKT sales offices or via authorised sales distributor.