JTEKT Group's Human Rights Policy

This Policy sets forth the highest criteria for human rights so that the JTEKT Group may continue promoting respect for human rights.

We, the JTEKT Group, engage in our business operations while positioning human life as our top priority and striving to be "No. 1 & Only One" in accordance with our motto of "Safety First, Quality Second" to realize our basic philosophy of contributing to the planet, society, and our customers.

We will endeavor to solve social issues together with our customers and suppliers who share our philosophy, as well as all stakeholders and business partners, with the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society and planet. As part of this, we shall respect the human rights of all people involved in our business activities.

1. Our Commitment to Respecting Human Rights

We, the JTEKT Group, understand that our business activities could have a direct or indirect impact on human rights.
We will take the utmost care not to infringe on the human rights of others. We will engage in business activities with a sense of ownership so that we may prevent or mitigate the negative impact of our operations on human rights.

2. Applicable Scope of this Policy

This Policy applies to all officers and employees of the JTEKT Group. We also expect all business partners and stakeholders, including suppliers, to understand and support this Policy.

3. Respect for International Standards

The JTEKT Group respects the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and other internationally recognized human rights (e.g. prohibition of forced labor and child labor, freedom of association, elimination of discrimination). We also support the "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights," and are engaging in initiatives for the implementation thereof.
We comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions where we engage in business activities. If the laws and regulations of a country or region conflict with internationally recognized human rights, we seek ways to maximize respect for internationally recognized human rights.

4. Awareness-raising Activities

We are committed to implementing appropriate educational and awareness-raising activities for officers and employees of the JTEKT Group and ensuring this Policy takes root. Moreover, in order for this Policy to become firmly established in our business activities on the whole, we will reflect it in related policies and the necessary procedures.

5. Human Rights Due Diligence (Identify, Evaluate, Prevent and Mitigate Negative Impact)

In line with the "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights," the JTEKT Group has established a system for human rights due diligence through which we identify and evaluate the negative impact of our business activities on human rights. Moreover, depending on the results of evaluations, we will strive to prevent and mitigate any negative impacts on human rights.

6. Monitoring and Improvement

Based on the results of due diligence, we will continuously monitor the status of initiatives to prevent and mitigate negative impact on human rights, and implement improvements where necessary.

7. Disclosure of Information

We will appropriately disclose information related to the progress of human rights initiatives.

8. Correction and Remediation

The JTEKT Group will establish a consultation desk accessible to anyone who may be negatively impacted by our business activities.
If it becomes apparent that our business activities have caused or contributed to negative human rights impacts, we will work to correct and remedy the situation through appropriate procedures. Moreover, if it becomes clear that our business activities are directly related to negative human rights impacts, we will strive to prevent or mitigate such impacts.

9. Dialogue with Stakeholders

We will engage in dialogue and consultation with stakeholders in order to identify and appropriately respond to negative impact on human rights.

This Policy was approved by JTEKT Corporation's Board of Directors on March 30, 2023.

June 25, 2024
JTEKT Corporation
Yoshihito Kondo
Yoshihito Kondo

Key Human Rights Issues to be Addressed (April 2023 edition)

(1) Forced Labor and Bondage

We do not tolerate any form of modern slavery or human trafficking through violence, threats, debt, etc., and we do not use conflict minerals or other resources that cause human rights abuses.
We also recognize that migrant workers (including foreign technical interns) are vulnerable to exploitation and that there is a risk of bondage in the JTEKT Group and its supply chain. We are committed to ensuring that all workers involved in our business activities are guaranteed appropriate working conditions.

(2) Child Labor

We do not tolerate child labor that denies a child their opportunity to gain an education and hinders their development due to being forced to work from a young age.
We recognize there are concerns of human rights abuses, including child labor, regarding the resources we use in our business activities. We will continue to identify and evaluate risks such as child labor and other human rights issues, and where such risks are identified, we will construct appropriate risk mitigation measures.

(3) Discrimination (Diversity & Inclusion)

We do not tolerate discrimination based on any grounds, including gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital or child status. Moreover, we are committed to respecting each and every employee so that individuals with diverse talent and values can maximize their potential and to creating a workplace environment in which all employees can be the best version of themselves.

(4) Harassment

We do not tolerate sexual harassment, power harassment, excessive peer pressure, and any other form of harassment or conduct that offends personal dignity. We are strongly committed to creating a positive workplace culture whereby each and every employee can work with peace of mind.