- Sustainability
- Promotion structure
Promotion structure
Implementation of CSR activities in each division on a company-wide basis
At JTEKT, we believe CSR is a core corporate activity from the belief that "the company is a public institution of society", as such, each of our divisions formulates an annual CSR activity plan. A PDCA cycle * is then applied to this plan in accordance with monthly management based on policy control. Through this type of mechanism to achieve goals, we are incorporating concrete initiatives in company policy and business/function policies to achieve the steady promotion of CSR activities.
* A PDCA cycle A management technique involving ongoing work improvement based on repeating a PDCA cycle (Plan, Do Check, Action)
Various committee and function meeting
For important themes, JTEKT has esablished specialized committees and functional meetings to formulate and promote activity plans.
Outline of the CSR promotion structure
Continue discussion to improve corporate value
JTEKT has regularly inspected the progress of its CSR activities in the CSR Promotion Committee chaired by President that was formed in February 2009. Meanwhile, in recent years, society has begun placing particular emphasis on sustainable value creation by companies and stakeholders' interest in this area is growing year after year. For JTEKT as well, the extent to which we can improve corporate value through our CSR activities is a major factor in our ability to fulfill the "JTEKT BASIC PRINCIPLE" advocating "For the earth, society, and customers". For this reason, in March 2017, the name of "CSR Promotion Committee" was changed to "Council for Enhancement of Corporate Value."The committee goes beyond the conventional scope of CSR activities by continuous discussions about practical implementation models aimed at new value creation (Management Model and Engagement Model) focusing on ESG.
Appropriate Corporate Disclosure
JTEKT discloses information about JTEKT Group appropriately and fairly in order to increase management transparency and enhance corporate value. In August 2016, the Council of Corporate Disclosure was established, comprising of concerned directors and managers of JTEKT' s Corporate Headquarters with the purpose of examining and confirming whether the timing, content and means of corporate disclosure are appropriate. In April 2020, Corporate Disclosure Policy was published, showing our atitude toward JTEKT corporate disclosure.
JTEKT will continue to conduct constructive dialogue and publish information actively toward establishing the relationship of trust with stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, and local communities.