- Sustainability
- Governance
- Compliance
Basic concept
All employees exhibit correct judgment and conduct in line with corporate ethics
JTEKT positions compliance as the premise and foundation of corporate value, therefore essential to realizing JTEKT BASIC PRINCIPLE. JTEKT shows conduct guidelines of our directors and employees with "JTEKT Global Conduct Guidelines" and established the Compliance Program based on "Standards for Compliance Management". In addition to sharing with all group companies the "JTEKT Global Conduct Guidelines", JTEKT holds up a promotion activity of corporate compliance as one of the important items of "Corporate Management Guidelines for the JTEKT Group", and supports them while promoting the construction of the promotion system which balanced with the business content of each company.
Training and awareness-raising activities for all JTEKT Group Companies
JTEKT conducts ongoing training and awareness-raising activities targeting its directors, employees and all group companies regarding how compliance is deeply intertwined with our operations. We conduct annual training targeting our key corporate compliance officers (directors, auditors, Senior Executive Officer, etc.). The themes for our FY2022 training were "The mechanisms by which embezzlement and other forms of frauds occur, and cultivation of a corporate culture to prevent the frauds", and provided participants with the opportunity to realize their awareness on current status and issues for compliance of JTEKT. Moreover, we have established every July as "Compliance Awareness Month", during which our president sends out a message to all JTEKT employees, including group companies both in Japan and overseas, and compliance training materials are distributed for e-learning and workplace perusal, etc. in an effort to support compliance activities in each workplace. Even regarding internal training provided according to each employee's position and job title, compliance is addressed so that each employee can take the necessary cautions suitable to their rank and job type.
Compliance Self-check by all JTEKT Group companies
At JTEKT, we carry out regular check targeting all departments of JTEKT and domestic/overseas JTEKT Group companies to assess the management status regarding compliance affecting our operations, and plans and implements compliance promotion initiatives based on the results of the assessment and inspections.
Whistleblowing system (i)
JTEKT has set up the Corporate Ethics Consultation Desk and several other consultation desks (including those are informed to Auditors directly) to enable fine-tuned response to each matter of consultation, and making efforts prevention, early detection and recurrence prevention of scandals. In addition, the operation of the Corporate Ethics Helpline, the corporate ethics consultation desks staffed by external attorneys, was integrated with that of domestic Group companies to improve the JTEKT Group's ability to respond to whistleblowing since FY2020.
No. of whistleblowing made in past 5 years
FY | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
No. of reports | 49 | 35 | 47 | 70 | 74 |
Compliance with competition laws / Prevention of corruption
With consideration to a global trend of placing importance on fairness in the transactions, features and transactions of JTEKT and JTEKT Group companies' businesses form and products, as well as the current trend of tightening of laws and regulations and their enforcement, JTEKT places particular importance on compliance with the Anti-Monopoly Act of Japan, the laws and regulations of various countries relating to competition and acts of corruption and bribery.
In concrete terms, JTEKT's President pledges that JTEKT and JTEKT Group companies respect fair trade practices and do not tolerate cartels, corruption and bribery (including offering money or other gifts to public officials, and offering or receiving excessive gifts and entertainment to/from private companies) as justifiable means to engage in business. JTEKT also prohibits facilitation payments (payments to facilitate or expedite regular administrative services by public officials) as conduct that could be suspected as non-compliant to laws and regulations of various countries.
In consideration with the industry-specific matters of JTEKT and JTEKT Group companies, JTEKT establishes, under the supervision of officers including directors, "Rules for Contact with a Competitor", "Anti-corruption Rules" and their guidelines as concepts to prevent non-compliance, codes of conduct and rules stipulating internal procedures. In addition, in order to prevent non-compliance with laws and regulations due to a lack of understanding of officers and employees, JTEKT's Legal Department takes a primary role in maintaining a system allowing them to consult on any doubts in their regular day-to-day tasks.
2.Communication and Training
JTEKT conducts regular communication and training for officers and all employees (meaning all employees regardless of employment status such as permanent employment or temporary employment) on an annual basis. While the laws and regulations relating to competition or corruption and bribery are based on the universal philosophy, they are regulated by the laws and regulations unique to each country, and uniform regulations may not be familiar to the actual conditions of each region. JTEKT shares the basic ideas with each JTEKT Group companies and promote optimization in accordance with the laws and regulations of each region and the actual situation.
In regards to the status of these implementations, independent items are established and confirmed in the annual compliance self-check and audited by the internal auditing department and company auditors, in addition to periodical oversight by the Management Meeting attended by board members.
3.Risk assessment and response
With support from JTEKT's Legal Department and other specific departments, the actions to reduce the risks on the elements or types of operations which are assessed as having high risks of cartels or corruption and bribery are taken in a systematic way.
Such behaviors breaching the laws are, by the Whistle Blowing Protection Act and internal rules, subject to the whistleblowing protection system, which ensures anonymity of whistleblowers and keeping the contents of the report confidential. The system also guarantees that whistleblowers are not given any disadvantageous treatments by their companies because of their report. In addition, we state prevention to corruption on the policy of procurement activities and, in our basic contracts, provisions for both parties that mutually declare avoidance to violate antitrust or competition laws, to commit corruption or bribery, and to be used for money laundering by antisocial forces. JTEKT also has a process to confirm that there are no violations of these laws and regulations by counter party when starting a new transactions. Similarly, in the case of corporate acquisitions involving JTEKT or JTEKT Group companies, JTEKT confirm that there are no violations of these laws and regulations as an independent item of due diligence.
4.Disclosure of related information
Over the past ten years, neither JTEKT nor any JTEKT Group companies have been exposed by the regulatory authorities of any country for violations with laws and regulations relating to corruption or bribery, and there is also no expenditure associated with violations. In addition, no officer or employee has been disciplined or retired for violating corruption or bribery policies in JTEKT and JTEKT Group companies.
Initiatives for appropriate tax payment
JTEKT and the JTEKT Group understands that making the appropriate tax payments for each country and region in which business is conducted is important in order to realize "For the earth, society & customers" of our "JTEKT BASIC PRINCIPLE" . In accordance with this understanding, we respect the laws relating to taxes of each region and country we do business, as well as a spirit of cooperating with such laws.
JTEKT and JTEKT Group sets "JTEKT Global Conduct Guideline" as a result of an action by Board of Directors. This is behavioral guidelines for all executive officers and employees including President (equivalent with CEO) and CFO (Vice Chief of Corporate Division), and JTEKT and JTEKT Group ensure tax transparency by stipulating the following description within the guideline.
"3. Company
We will perform accounting and financial management duties in accordance with laws, regulations, internal rules, etc. in order to appropriately process accounts and pay taxes."
JTEKT and the JTEKT Group conducts businesses in approximately 30 countries and regions throughout the world and engages in trade between group companies across countries and regions. In regards to the transfer pricing during such transactions, we have established a group policy conforming to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines and endeavor to appropriately declare any income gained through our businesses in each relevant country and region. Moreover, neither JTEKT nor the JTEKT Group engages in tax planning leading to tax base erosion or income transfer that abuses tax havens or tax treaties, etc. in countries or regions outside of where our business sites are located.
Furthermore, if doubts arise or are predicted to arise regarding appropriate tax payments, JTEKT and the JTEKT Group will fully cooperate with the tax authorities in each country and/or region as required. In such cases, JTEKT and the JTEKT Group accurately conveys information on its businesses to the tax authority and exchanges information with sincerity as it promotes initiatives aimed at appropriate tax payment.
Moreover, the annual securities report shows not only income tax amount as JTEKT Group but also a factor of difference between the amount and effective tax rate.
For appropriate tax payment, CFO is responsible for the tax management, while the tax personnel of JTEKT and each Group company work to ensure appropriate tax management on a daily basis. In order to minimize tax risk, JTEKT and the JTEKT Group work with our external tax advisors and have given due consideration in operations where we need highly specialized expertise and experience.
JTEKT maintains a system whereby the Chief of Corporate Division or CFO reports important matters regarding risk about tax payment to the Board of Directors as appropriate, then follows instructions given by the Board. Moreover, the Auditing Guidelines stipulate that the duty of members of our Audit & Supervisory Board are to perform audits examining the legality of our directors' duty execution and decision-making by the Board of Directors, etc. The Audit & Supervisory Board also performs audits of important matters regarding tax payment as appropriate, and results of these audits are shared with corporate members in charge of tax management though the Board of Directors.
Through the activities above, JTEKT and the JTEKT Group are continuously striving to maintain and improve corporate governance regarding taxation.
- The whistleblowing system of JTEKT and JTEKT Group, in accordance with the laws such as Whistleblower Protection Act etc. and internal company regulations, protects the informant and details of reported matters as confidential information and ensures a system whereby the whistlebolwer will not in any way be treated disadvantageously by the company due to having reported a matter of concern.