No.1019 2022自動車関連技術特集号 電動化に対応した自動車用駆動システムの技術動向と展望 |
カテゴリー | 展望 |
筆者 | 副本部長 牧 泰希 |
要旨 | With the electrification of vehicle powertrains, the requirements for drive units and systems are also changing significantly. Specifically, it is necessary to develop drive units and systems that respond to changes in power characteristics and responsiveness due to motors, changes in the configuration of the entire powertrain, and changes in mounting requirements. This paper introduces the current status and prospects of technologies for electrification in drive shafts, hub units, differential units, and torque control devices (TCD). We will also introduce our gear and bearing efforts to increase the speed and reduce the size of the eAxle. Finally, we will introduce efforts to optimize the design of the drive system in order to satisfy the three conflicting elements of fuel efficiency, driving performance, and NV at a high level. |
キーワード | electrifi cation of automobiles, driveline system, drive shaft, hub unit, torque control device (TCD), differential unit, carbon neutral, realization of a safe and comfortable society |
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