No.1019 2022自動車関連技術特集号 Pairdriver 自動運転のためのステアリング協調制御 |
カテゴリー | 論文 |
筆者 | 自動車事業本部 先行システム開発部 小路直紀 研究開発本部 システム創生研究部 仲出知弘 田村 勉 ロバート・フックス |
要旨 | Safety and comfort in automated vehicles are related to how the driver and the automation system cooperate during the driving task. We propose a control framework for electric power steering (EPS) under which both manual and automated driving can coexist, and which enables cooperative driving. Sharing manual and automated lateral control provides a new driving experience, where the driver can steer the vehicle over the automation system without deactivation. Manual intervention is intuitive, as the driver only needs to hold, steer, and release the steering wheel. Furthermore, this control provides haptic information about where the automation system is heading when manually steering. |
キーワード | shared control, Human Machine Interaction, electric power steering, automated driving, ADAS |
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