No.1015E 2018Special Edition on Enviromental Technologies Activities Regarding the Development and Design of Environmentally Friendly Products |
Category | SURVEY |
Author | H. SEGAWA Executive Managing Officer |
Abstract | We JTEKT have established six specialized environmental subcommittees under the Global Environmental Conservation Committee, through which our entire company promotes environmental conservation activities. The Environmental Responsive Products Subcommittee, which is one of these subcommittees, promotes conservation within the development and design stages of environmentally friendly products. In 2003, this group laid down a "basic type of environmental efficiency" as the common benchmark for all JTEKT group products, and in 2016 the group changed the base year from the initial 2003 to 2010 when formulating the JTEKT mid-term target plan, which has stricter targets to be fulfi lled. The report introduces the activities within the Environmental Responsive Products Subcommittee geared towards the fulfi llment of the Environmental Action Plan 2020. |
Keyword | Development, design, environment, products |
Reference | JTEKT CORPORATION : CSR Report2008 (2008)8-9. |
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