No.1017E 2020Special Edition on Automotive Technologies Technical Trends and Outlook for Automotive Driveline Products |
Category | OUTLOOK |
Author | Y. NAKAOKA Executive Managing Offi cer |
Abstract | In order to respond to market demands, such as vehicle electrifi cation, “CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Services, Electric)” and “MaaS (Mobility as a Service)”, JTEKT is pushing ahead with the electrifi cation of driveline products for use on automobiles, as well as the strengthening of fundamental technologies for existing products. We aim to “leap to a leading company in the world as a driveline system supplier”. This article introduces our automotive driveline product development initiatives as we strive to “leap forward and become world-leading company as a driveline system supplier.” |
Keyword | driveline, vehicle electrifi cation, CASE, MaaS, E-AWD |
Reference | T. SAKAI: Trends and Outlook of Drive Units for Automobiles, JTEKT ENGINEERING JOURNAL, No.1013E (2016) 14. |
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