No.1017E 2020Special Edition on Automotive Technologies Development of a Heavy Rare Earth Free Motor with Reduced Rare Earth Usage |
Author | T. TAKEUCHI Steering System Engineering Dept. 2, Steering Systems Business Unit N. KANDA Electronics Component Development Dept., Steering Systems Business Unit H. YOSHIKAWA K. TACHI S. TSUMURA Prototype Dept., Steering Systems Business Unit |
Abstract | We have developed a motor using an anisotropic bonded magnet, which is mainly composed of samarium (Sm), which is not classifi ed as a heavy rare earth element. In regards to the motor, we have achieved the target performances of “improving motor torque” and “reducing torque fl uctuation” by optimizing the magnet shape of the rotor and establishing an original mold design. As a result, we have succeeded in developing a motor with both the same size and the same performance as a conventional motor using sintered magnets which is mainly composed of neodymium (Nd). In addition, since this bonded magnet does not contain either neodymium or heavy rare earth elements (dysprosium (Dy), terbium (Tb) etc.), for which concerns exist regarding potential procurement risks, it also contributes to future procurement stability. This report provides an outline of the development and the results of motor performance evaluation. |
Keyword | motor, IPM, heavy rare earth, sintered magnet, bonded magnet, samarium |
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