No.1009E 2012Automotive Technology Special Edition Effects of Roughness and Coating on Frictional Behavior of Planetary Gear Type Torque-Sensing LSD |
Author | J. ANDO Driveline System Engineering Dept., Bearing & Driveline Operations Headquarters, Doctor of Engineering H. ANDO Driveline System Engineering Dept., Bearing & Driveline Operations Headquarters H. SAITO Experiment & Analysis Dept., Bearing & Driveline Operations Headquarters H. TAKUNO T. HARA Driveline System Engineering Dept., Bearing & Driveline Operations Headquarters N. SAKAI Advanced Fundamental Research Dept., Research & Development Center, Research & Development Headquarters Y. YAMASHITA Development Dept., Toyoda-koki Automotive Torsen Co. M. TOHYAMA Tribology Lab., Mechanical System Research Div., Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Doctor of Engineering T. OHMORI Mechanical System Research Div., Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Doctor of Engineering |
Abstract | A planetary gear type torque-sensing limited slip differential (LSD) must prevent stick slip and allow smooth sliding between contact surfaces. This development aimed to achieve a fi ne roughness on the sliding surfaces along the planetary gear circumference to make it possible to acquire stable frictional characteristics. Furthermore, these frictional characteristics can be studied in theory without testing on actual units by mixed lubrication analysis, which models the roughness of the planetary gear circumference. In addition, applying carbon-based hard-coating to the planetary gear secured durability against wear and seizure, characteristics normally sacrifi ced at the expense of roughness. |
Keyword | power transmission, all-wheel drive system, limited slip differential, roughness, coating |
Reference | T. MURAKAMI, T. HARA, J. ANDO : Clutch friction characteristic optimized by micro-surface shape, Toyoda Koki Technical Review, Vol.44, No.1 (2003) 9.(in Japanese) |
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