News releases
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Support for earthquake damage in Morocco
Product Technology
JTEKT developed the third-generation "High Pressure Hydrogen Valve" and "Regulator" for fuel cell vehicles.The newly developed product can be applied on fuel cell commercial vehicles.
Product Technology
A paper by JTEKT employee has been published in a journal of Nature Portfolio Automated driving, Joint research with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Product Technology
Development of "JTEKT Ultra Earth BearingTM" Contribute to enhancing reliability and further downsizing of eAxle
News releases
Development of "JTEKT Ultra Compact SealTM"Contribute for further eAxle compactness
News releases
Development of "JTEKT Ultra Compact BearingTM" Contribute for further eAxle compactness
Product Technology
JTEKT's newly developed "ITCC® for FR-based 4WD vehicles" and "Lightweight and Compact Motorized Rake Tilt & Telescopic Steering Column" are installed in Mazda CX-60.
Product Technology
Development of "Pairdriver", a human-centered automated steering control systemHarmony between human and system. Contribution to safe and comfortable driving.
News releases
Changed company name of Japanese group company
JTEKT Exhibit new machine tool at IMTS2022
Product Technology
Development of "JTEKT Ultra Compact Diff." for eDrive system~ Contribute for further eAxle compactness and higher power density ~
Business deployment
Reorganize business brand, unify it into JTEKT