

No.1016 2018インダストリ特集号 鉄鋼設備安定操業化貢献技術の開発

カテゴリー 資料
筆者 軸受事業本部 産業機器技術部 永山彰英 宮地武志 
軸受事業本部 実験解析部 大塚和茂
要旨 A high percentage of steel production equipment mainly consists of rotating bodies, such as rolling mills and continuous casting machines. The performance of mechanical parts that support such rotating bodies is extremely important in steel production equipment. For many years, JTEKT has contributed to the stable operation of steel production equipment through the provision of bearings, oil seals, universal joints and other products. In recent years, we are making efforts not only in the area of product technology, but also development of lubrication technologies such as oil seals and lubrication equipment, optimum design of bearings by bearing diagnosis using actual equipment, and appropriate repair methods for long-term use of products. JTEKT aims not only to offer customers our products, but also to provide comprehensive technology including how to use such products. This report introduces some concrete examples of our efforts.
キーワード rolling mill, continuous casting, long life, maintenance free, technical trend

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永山彰英:圧延設備用大型駆動軸の技術動向, Koyo Engineering Journal, No. 166(2004)7.
保坂亮平, 安田 嗣:鉄鋼設備用軸受の技術動向, JTEKT ENGINEERING JOURNAL, No. 1004(2007)41.
永山彰英, 宮地武志:鉄鋼大型駆動軸用油圧拡張式トルクリミッタの開発, JTEKT ENGINEERING JOURNAL, No. 1004(2007)76.
久保潤一, 河田道雄:鉄鋼設備に貢献する高機能商品技術, JTEKT ENGINEERING JOURNAL, No. 1012(2014)43.




