No.1006E 2009 Mathematical Model for Characteristics of Oil Pump Driven by Electric Motor

Automotive Components Engineering Dept., Bearing & Driveline Operations Headquarters, PhD
Abstract This report presents a mathematical model for characteristics of a motor-driven oil pump in which an electric motor and hydraulic pump have been integrated into a single unit. Characteristics of the motor-driven oil pump should be predicted at the design stage. However, calculation thereof is not simple because the characteristics of the electric motor and oil pump infl uence one another. Therefore, a mathematical model to predict the characteristics of the assembled electric motor-driven oil pump has been established based on investigation of individual pump and motor characteristics. Also, actual characteristics of the electric motor-driven oil pump were investigated and compared with the values calculated from the model.
Keyword hydraulic power system, electric motor-driven oil pump, mathematical model, pump characteristic, motor characteristic, system effi ciency

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